Monday, March 21, 2011

Bunnies and Angels

I've been painting a lot again - I love it. Whether its figurines, or the walls in my house, the feeling of self-satisfaction completely justifies the time it takes.  House photos will wait - some major projects are still in the works but are just about done. Here are some bisque Angels I found at Michaels for half-price:
I took them home and spent a few nights with my paints and this is what resulted:
I love them - and am happy to make a space for them.

Next, I had a black cast-iron rabbit-momma and her baby that I purchased long ago. It had been used as a door stop at my old apartment.  An ear had detached and was  kind of glued on -- crooked. So, first, I did some surgery on the ear and replastered/puttied the ear so it looked like part of the poor Momma. Then, I spent several nights applying many layers of paint to make fur coats and cotton tails. I was so pleased with this:

I am now getting ready to paint a bisque pelican and am seriously thinking of continuing to paint and selling some of my things. I love to paint -- but don't have room or the desire for tons of knick-knacks. A shelf at a consignment shop perhaps?  Stay tuned. I'm so glad to be back in touch with my creative side! I just get lost in the colors and time seamlessly passes....

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