Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Seahorse Wrapped Around My Finger

I spent a lot of time walking along the beaches this holiday weekend. I love it -- watching the children, people, dogs, pelicans flying in different formations and beachcombing along the way. While walking this weekend, a friend noticed something wiggling on the sand - as we approached, we realized it was a seahorse that had washed ashore in the rough surf. Obviously uncomfortable in the sand, I carefully picked it up and took a closer look. Then...it wrapped it's tail around my finger. As if to say, "Finally, something I can hold onto for safety, security, and survival."  The seahorse relaxed and kept it's tail wrapped around my finger.  I wandered into the water as far as I could where I released it. It didn't swim away -- it just kind of floated toward the bottom....this concerned me.

After I got home I did some research.  Seahorses swim very poorly by using a dorsal fin, which they rapidly flutter and pectoral fins, located behind their eyes, which they use to steer. Seahorses have no caudal fin. Since they are poor swimmers, they are most likely to be found resting, with their tails wound around a stationary object. That's why it didn't "swim" away. I felt a bit better concerning it's welfare...such an unusual and elegant creature.

I found this picture on the internet - this is not me (I didn't have my camera at the time) but is very accurate in scale and position:
I'll never forget the way it wrapped it's tail around my finger. A reminder that all living things are looking for safety and security. I hope I provided a bit for the seahorse. So many wonderful blessings have come into my life. One doesn't have to look very far to know Who is in charge -- I am thankful, grateful, and humbled by the goodness that is given. And I'll never forget that seahorse.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Real Character

When I recently visited the new alumni building at A&M University, I was struck by these quotes. Engraved on limestone, compelling, thoughtful and - most importantly in my opinion - submitted by A&M Alumni. There are several outside of the building. When I read this one, it struck a genuine chord in my heart....I have thought of it every day since then. I wonder what the world be like if everyone lived in this manner....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quote for (almost) every day....

"Through it all, each morning has patiently asked me, 'Why do you run today?' And over the course of the years, one simple answer has quietly become more clearly heard than all others: because I must."
-Dagny Scott

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easter Sonrise Window

When we finished installing the Butterfly Windows that my friend Elsie made, the four of us realized, just as we were walking out the door, that we needed one more --- above the door. However, Elsie had other consignments lined up, and I didn't want to pressure my friend. So, we mentioned it and let it go...for a while. Then, we started talking about it. What to put in the window? Not butterflies, too busy. While in the choir loft, there were several conversations -- all done discretely of course - regarding the window. Finally on Easter Sunday we turned to Kathy and said, "What should be put in fourth window?". Our faces pleading, we were out of ideas.
Kathy: "A sunrise."
Cherie: "PERFECT! With a cross!"
Elsie: "A sunrise with a cross?? Draw me a picture."
Cherie:"I can't draw. You come up with it and I know it will be perfect."
Kathy (waving hands as in broad brushstrokes: "Yes, a nice, big beautiful sunrise. And a cross...somewhere."
Cherie: (wiggling in her seat so excited) "OH I CAN'T WAIT!"
Choir Member sitting in front of us: SHHHH!

So, a few weeks later, Elsie finished the window. We installed it last night. IT IS PERFECT. Thank you Elsie for sharing your talent, for dealing with glass that I know cut your fingers to shreds, and most importantly, for blessing my house with your artistry. You are amazing. She has named it the "Easter Sonrise" window since Easter inspired it. It is hard to see the colors in the Sonrise - but they are there and the sunlight plays with them throughout the day and even at night.

 I'm planning to have the house blessed in the near future - and the windows - especially this one. May it be a blessing to all who enter and exit through my door. It is surely a blessing for me.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Post-concert review

...posted in response to FP Brewer's request (AKA my brother :)

I realized on Sunday that we have been rehearsing Faure's Requiem since before the New Year. The Requiem is a Mass written and sung for the dead. Faure wrote this work in the late 1800's. Literally WRITTEN on a manuscript - that photo is a page from the original. A LOT OF TIME practicing and rehearsing - both on my own and with the choir - has gone into this. I also realized that just like a true friend, the more I got to know this Mass and all it's intricateness and beauty, the more I loved it. And, again like a true friend, I was going to miss it - I mean REALLY miss not practicing it any longer after the concert ended. Not hearing how the parts fit together, or hearing the beautiful melodies and harmonies. Honestly, after saying "this is my favorite part" so many times, a friend remarked that I had so many favorite parts perhaps I should just say, "This is my favorite Mass"! So, while driving to the concert on Sunday I made a promise to enjoy and savor  every moment...to read the words and think about my Dad. That was my state of mind when I stood on a riser that was part of our stage and saw a packed Cathedral, standing among to my dear choir friends and seeing the orchestra assembled. "This prayer is for you Dad."

The music was incredible. The Spirit moved us -- no, the Spirit ROCKED our world. I choked up several times and had to really focus - the solists were awesome. And FPB you are too kind --- one must put in much time and become quite experienced before they are asked to solo in our choir  -- other than cantering which is the first step and I've taken it. But, perhaps if God wills, that day will come.

We sang our hearts out, the orchestra played flawlessly, and our efforts were richly rewarded with the beautiful music that all enjoyed. I can't remember when I've enjoyed a performance more. And, I know it was because my Dad was listening. And also because I was saying good-bye to a friend.

After the concert, my friend Kathy had a post-concert party at her house -- it was great, her husband Jeff made awesome homemade pizza and everyone had a blast. My choir friends - they are really my family as well.

So FP Brewer --- perhaps one day you can come and hear a concert. Or, even better, save your pennies because next June (2012) we have been invited to sing a Papal Mass in...IRELAND!  I hear they have great beer there :) Would love to have you and Babs come along!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Living in the moment:Sometimes the real race starts at the finish line

I ran 10 miles this morning. The half marathon (13.2 miles)  is in two weeks -- one more long run next weekend and I'm ready. It's awesome - for some reason I had the urge to "model walk" at the half-way point. Don't worry. There wasn't much of an audience...although Ella was kinda looking at me weird. Endorphins can have strange effects. I also frequently start singing when running - especially when a great song is playing on the Ipod. Ella's used to that. Yeah...it's fun. And if you're impressed, don't be. Annie is running the full marathon - 26.4 miles. So she did 20 miles this morning. Jen is also running in this deal - she has made her way with Buddy up to Tahoe and is having a weekend of back country skiing. Another good friend is finishing up his SCUBA diving certification out at Lake Travis. I think there will be some blue water and bubbles in my near future. I can't wait! Another friend that I have been helping with personal issues is in the Beach to Bay Relay & Marathon downtown today. She called me as she was getting ready to run her leg...I told her not to worry about time, place or clocks -- enjoy the moment and the experience - be proud of how far you have come! And Scott is busy doing what a lot of medical students do during the summer - house construction, roofing, people calling him with jobs in their homes. Taking time to prepare for a very demanding year beginning in the Fall. Friends and loved ones busy and living in the present, preparing for wonderful experiences in the future, and staying close to me in spite of the miles that separate.

SO much to look forward to! Still practicing for the concert - today we practice with the orchestra!

Now... if I can just push myself out of this comfy chair....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Did you know that fairies ride bicycles?

Spring Concert

Our annual spring concert at the Corpus Christi Cathedral is a bit different than usual. Generally we have two performances  on a Friday evening and Saturday matinĂ©e, each underwritten by grants and large contributions from local corporations - free to the public. The Cathedral is always packed - standing room only. We would perform various works, some secular, others sacred, all entertaining and accompanied by an orchestra. This year, the spring concert is being dedicated to the  memory of deceased members of our 25+ year choir. It is appropriately titled "The Choir of Angels" concert, one performance only. The ONE main piece with a few others is Faure's Requiem. When I first learned we were going to be learning this piece (the choral score is over 90 pages), I ordered a CD and listened. I cried several times throughout. Especially during the Sanctus --- here is a youtube video...and the Pie Jesu and Agnus Dei - increase the voices to over 100 and if these pieces don't move your spirit, you're dead. I don't know if I am going to be able to sing this in it's entirety without choking up ---- seriously. It is that beautiful.

We perform this weekend. Rehearsals have been numerous and tedious and I can tell that our director and assistant director are concerned that certain passages are still, well, rough and need more practice. Extra rehearsals were added this week. No mistakes permitted. Shaping the phrases, working on articulating, blending perfectly, always striving to improve. And then there are the soloists -- I have no idea how their rehearsals are going. I can't wait to hear them!

I know from experience that when we assemble in the beautiful cathedral Sunday evening, people and orchestra in place in the choir loft, that the Holy Spirit will be there as well. So will the memory of many loved ones who have joined us in our lives. I know it will be outstanding, and beautiful. And I know I will be thinking of my deceased loved ones, lifting my voice in their memory, feeling so grateful to be given the opportunity to do so.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More Fun Times in San Diego - The Zoo

Cheetah's are paired with a domesticated dog of the same sex - this keeps them calm, happy and willing to come up the fence and pose:)

Mommy giraffe protecting her 2 year old

They never do let you get close enough to the animals!

Beautiful Jen and Annie riding the gondola back

Feeding the 'giraffe'
I never realized how BIG these rhinos really are!

Taking a nappie~!

Audrey and I in the Gondola...the sweatshirt says it all :)
After zoo dinner - Audrey took this picture :)

And I took this one - my girls. I love them so much!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

25th Annual Bay Bridge Run!

As stated in the advertisement, the Navy sponsors this run, and its the ONLY day in the year where people can cross the Coronado Bridge on foot. IT WAS FABULOUS!  The weather was cool, sunny, and perfect. Jen lives in a high rise in downtown San Diego, so we literally walked to the start. A record breaking 10,000 people registered for the 4 mile run/walk!

At the start!

We warmed up, started walking and when we could, started to run. At some point, I told Jen to take off as she has 22 years on me - and she did. Jen taking off - you can see the bridge above : 

So I plugged in my IPod, and began on my own. As we approached the bridge, I was overcome as it was so high and so gorgeous -- couldn't wait to get to the top and take some pics:

 Members of the Navy playing on the bridge!

 Half-way there!

 This is what the back of the tee-shirt looks like. We picked ours up on the other side --- cool, huh!
Like I said - it was a gorgeous day!
Coronado Island - this is where the bridge leads. Jen works on Coronado Island, and the Navy SEALS train here. Paradise!
 When I got to the top of the bridge, guess who was waiting for me!!! I was SOOO excited to see her!

Jen said, "How often is that you get to take a picture at the top of the Coronado Bridge with your Mom?"  We ran to the finish together.

 Once past the finish line (yay), we got some awesome pastries at a local market, some coffee, and headed back on a water taxi:

This is the view of San Diego from Coronado Island...a very, very beautiful city!

Our water taxi driver. It felt GREAT to sit down :)

It was an outstanding day that I will never forget. Thank you Jen for waiting for me at the top --- I love you so much! - Mom xoxo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Heading to the left coast

Home of Jen, Annie, Audrey and Buddy! Some time to spend at an awesome conference at  the University of San Diego which is a Catholic, private university. This is where Jen goes to church -awesome, isn't it?! The conference gives me the chance to spend some time away from final exams, grumpy students, stressed out faculty and long (boring) grant and other planning meetings. There are great times to be had learning some new things, running over an awesome bridge , eating some great food and most importantly, giving and getting hugs from my family. Can't wait!

Monday, May 09, 2011

Six green thumbs in California

Here is the "before" shot. That's Emma outside and Audrey trying to break in the front :)  Annie told me some time ago she wanted to beautify the front flower beds. Maybe she got a tad inspired by our shenanigans here in Corpus Christi. After a few lessons, some text messages and a little advice, Annie headed to the store....
And here is the newly planted spring Victory Garden via California. Annie had some awesome (and cheap) help --- Emma and Audrey wearing their fashionable gloves. I bet that there are some dirt clods under those shoes...and of course I love the butterfly! Great job! I can't wait to see it in person!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2011