Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easter Sonrise Window

When we finished installing the Butterfly Windows that my friend Elsie made, the four of us realized, just as we were walking out the door, that we needed one more --- above the door. However, Elsie had other consignments lined up, and I didn't want to pressure my friend. So, we mentioned it and let it go...for a while. Then, we started talking about it. What to put in the window? Not butterflies, too busy. While in the choir loft, there were several conversations -- all done discretely of course - regarding the window. Finally on Easter Sunday we turned to Kathy and said, "What should be put in fourth window?". Our faces pleading, we were out of ideas.
Kathy: "A sunrise."
Cherie: "PERFECT! With a cross!"
Elsie: "A sunrise with a cross?? Draw me a picture."
Cherie:"I can't draw. You come up with it and I know it will be perfect."
Kathy (waving hands as in broad brushstrokes: "Yes, a nice, big beautiful sunrise. And a cross...somewhere."
Cherie: (wiggling in her seat so excited) "OH I CAN'T WAIT!"
Choir Member sitting in front of us: SHHHH!

So, a few weeks later, Elsie finished the window. We installed it last night. IT IS PERFECT. Thank you Elsie for sharing your talent, for dealing with glass that I know cut your fingers to shreds, and most importantly, for blessing my house with your artistry. You are amazing. She has named it the "Easter Sonrise" window since Easter inspired it. It is hard to see the colors in the Sonrise - but they are there and the sunlight plays with them throughout the day and even at night.

 I'm planning to have the house blessed in the near future - and the windows - especially this one. May it be a blessing to all who enter and exit through my door. It is surely a blessing for me.

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