Thursday, August 25, 2011

In Training....

I started running again in June when Jen and Scott and me ran a half marathon in San Diego. I started earnestly running again (as in, going by a training schedule and sticking to it) in July. Since then, according to my Nike Ipod thingie (calibrates and works through the IPod) I've run 51 times for a total of 255 miles. I've burned 24,645 calories. And, I wore out a pair of shoes. So I bought some new ones - you can see old vs. new above. The heels are what really tell the story. I've trimmed over an hour off my June half marathon time! I'm still not super fast, but have made progress. I should be stick thin, but admit to enjoying ice cream and sweets, so it's totally worth it. So is the feeling of being fit - awesome. I remember when running 4 miles seemed so it flies by. I look forward to it as I start out before sunrise in the quiet darkness, and finish just as the sun is rising, so gorgeous. It always, always moves my soul. What an awesome way to start the day -  a true gift.

This Saturday I run 15 miles for a training run, part of the schedule to prepare for a full marathon (26.2 miles) in November. I HATE doing long runs by myself, but get through them with my IPod, sometimes singing along,  and enjoy the beginning, and the finish :). Make quick stops at convenience stores to get hydrated, and keep on rolling. Ella comes with me during my 4 miler that I do 5 times a week. But not for long runs - I don't think I could stop enough to keep her hydrated, and she doesn't like Gatorade, so she stays at home and pouts, waiting for me at the gate.

Ohhh... it's supposed to be 106 degrees on Saturday. Will have an extra early start! I can't wait for the weather to cool off and see how things go --- it will be totally worth training over the hot, humid summer when the fall coolness kicks in. Can't wait!

Yeah, I do enjoy the finish. And ice cream...with M&Ms :)

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