Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Visit to San Diego and Marathon/Half Marathon!

                                           Here's a pic of The Child From The Sea :)

Sooo much fun - it's been so long since all three of my children were in the same place at the same time. I was one thrilled Mom!! The weather in San Diego was perfect, the marathon a blast, time spent with family priceless. In short, it was a perfect trip full of many rich and emotional memories:

My first day started with a bird watching tour of Coronado Island (north). Here is a peregrine falcon captured and being relocated as they like to eat the snowy plovers (endangered) that are nesting on the beaches. The birding leader and I happened to come upon this wildlife biologist as he was removing the falcon from the trap. I asked to take a picture - started talking to the bird - and it struck this gorgeous pose. What a beautiful creature!

 Jen enjoying the Friday time she and I had together before everyone else arrived that evening - lunch, shopping....you know, what pilots do between work meetings :)

 Dinner time! Kevin and Maria Lyles striking a pose in the San Diego harbor...yes, smiling :)

 Kevin and Maria getting ready for CRAB LEGS!

 Scott and I before settling into some delicious seafood!

 The next day began with some beach combing by my sweet Audrey - who spent the night with me. Holding her dolphin and sea horse ---preciousness.

 So happy to be on the beach!

Maria and Audrey finding priceless shells and assorted treasures. (Note: Still holding dolphin and sea horse)

Saturday morning at the Expo Conference Center to pick up our bib numbers, swag, tee shirts, etc.--- you have to find your name and bib number out of 37,000 others. Annie and Jen trying to find Lyles and McCollough.

 The marathon is ALWAYS a sell-out! I registered to run the half (13.1 miles), Jen was undecided, Scott was going to run with me, Kevin and Annie and Jen's roommate Laura the full 26.2 miles.

 At the Expo Center - Daddy John giving Audrey a rest :)

 This was the first time all three of my children were in the same place at the same time for a LONNNG time. I was in heaven....priceless.

 The next morning - approx 5:00 a.m. Pre-race photo with Annie who ran her first Marathon.

 I felt like this hat said - it was among the best days EVER!

I put the camera over my head and took this shot -- yes, 37,000 people lined up, waiting for the start! The weather was perfect - sunny and cool. Everyone SO excited and READY TO GO!

 And somehow, Jen managed to find me in the starting corral - I was so happy to see her!

 I loved the back of this guys tee shirt -- starting out, in a walk, warming up for a long run....

 Scott found us along the way! Group shot -- all pics from here on out were taken by him. It was so great to run with JEN AND SCOTT!!!

 Brooks display - their slogan is "Run Happy" :)  Yes, I wear my ipod on my back. Less bounce and easy to grab when I want to play Black Eyed Peas (Dirty Bit - my favorite :)

One of the many bands that played along the way - this was a drum band - they were so cool as every song was choreographed. They were at mile 7 - and playing a perfect rhythm to stretch out and model walk :)  Scott joined me!

 Scott took this from a bridge where he SPRINTED to the top to catch us as we ran underneath.

 Sooo happy! It was an AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME day!!!

 A flag at the top of the mountain -- many reminders along the way of how lucky we were to be there.

 Scott posing with one of the Team In Training coaches. They raised 9 million dollars that day with all the runners who gathered funds/pledges running for Leukemia society. So awesome!

 Shuffling along - chatting, laughing, eating Jen's Goo (delicious!).

 Still shuffling - and looking forward to getting done because...

 the sun was getting HOT!

 The FINISH! Not pictured: Jen and I held hands as we crossed the finish line. It was such a great thing to share with Jen and Scott!

The post-race runners - we ended up at Sea World. Annie (full) , Jen (half) , Laura (full), Scott (half), Me (half), Kevin Lyles (full). We were happy to finish and all just wanted to SIT DOWN. :)

This was among the top 10 days of my life that I'll never forget -- sharing it with my kids, being happy and healthy enough to participate - making memories that will last a lifetime...truly Blessed Beyond Measure.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy for you. It is like a blessing from God when you can get them all together at once.
