Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Audrey's First Science Lesson

Annie dropped Audrey off at my work on Saturday during an appointment. I took Audrey down to my classroom/lab. We went through some things that she found quite intriguing.... Audrey: "Momma,whas' this?"
Me: "That's a baby chicken in the jar."
Audrey: "Momma, get it out!!"

Audrey: "Beach ball!!! "
Me: "No Audrey, that's the earth. We live here" (point to the general vicinity of Texas).
Audrey: "Bouncy Beach Ball!"

(preserved) Starfish on table...

Handling the "starfursh" -- very carefully.

Audrey seemed to like handling specimens in jars, like these preserved earthworms:

And so she lined up some more...a turtle, snail, frog, jellyfish...

Discussing the unity and diversity found in organismal biology:

After serious thought she decided she needed more specimens:

So she went over to the cabinet to see if there were any more worth collecting:

But promptly left the jars and starfish when she discovered the COW (laptop computer on wheels cabinet!) I wish I could take credit for the paint job, but I am not artistic. (Paid a talented student for the terrific paint job after getting grant funds for the laptops and cabinet!) Ohhh so fun! She gave it a kiss bye-bye!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! The science lab is the equivalent of a kiddy jackpot. It's so much fun watching them take the world in. She's such a doll and growing up way, way too fast.
