Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cheap Thrills!

Annie had to go out of town, so Audrey spent the night this week. I told her we were going to the (Dollar) store and she could pick out anything she wanted. Her eyes, large as saucers, looked and looked and looked all over the store. Finally, she spotted what she wanted. A little plastic green turtle, and it cost 25 cents! What a deal - she loved it. So she played with it and some other toys in the bathtub: And then she asked to take it bed, so she fell asleep with it. In the morning, before I had to wake her: Look at what is still in her little hand: I love you Audrey Anne!


  1. This is such a cute picture of her sleeping! Of course she loves the 25 cent toy over the $40 toy!

  2. lol. too cute and I am loving those pj's! Can I get some for valentine's day?

  3. Lucy has those same PJs! She calls them her cow PJs? Who knows?
