I've been really pushing at work and being pushed by deadlines and year-end reports, etc. I really wanted to sleep in and take a Saturday off, but The Corpus Christi Cathedral choir had to go to Kingsville Saturday to give a concert. We've been practicing with the piano as usual. Saturday, the 60 piece symphony accompanied us, and also the handbell choir. Rehearsal with them was hot (standing on stage under lights), several hours long and very tiring. We had the usual rehearsal -- jump in and sing/play this part, jump to another part. I really wondered how this was going to pull together. After lunch, the concert was scheduled to begin. When I questioned a friend about how she thought this was going to go - she has been a member for over 10 years - she said, "Don't worry. You will have moments when your soul is moved." I secretly thought my soul was too tired to move.
The concert began, and when we sang the first number my sweat was replaced by goosebumps. Then, The First Nowell - men singing with the plaintive French horns and sweet violins...I had to hold back tears it was so exquisitely beautiful. My friend - who was standing in front of me on the risers, turned around at the end and didn't say a word as we locked eyes and she shook her head. I understood ---our souls had been moved. It happened more times than I can remember throughout our 2.5 hour performance. It went so fast, the music was unreal, and I almost felt guilty as I am such a new member but invited to participate.
Sunday, at church, the choir master gave us a great talk about what we are doing, how much they want us to come back, etc. Just a bit of discussion. And then, up to the loft to sing advent hymns for mass - business as usual - and I was moved again.
As I did the grocery shopping, laundry, grading papers, cleaning and generally getting ready for the new week, I felt totally rejuvenated. Bring it on!
I am glad you are participating and look forward to seeing some of the holiday magic. I hope your Mom gets the chance also. I know the kids will enjoy seeing and hearing the choir. It will be a special holiday.