Wednesday, April 03, 2013


Seems that things are kinda usual, but now, it's the end of the semester and a whole new level of busy is taking place. Case in point - I carry a small notebook where I jot my 'to do' list and the due date next to each item. I noted that the book I started in April 2009 was filled by the following Sept. So, the next one was started in April 2010. Then 2011, 2012, and yes, today a new one. What is it about April!? Yup, end of spring semester. So I'm wishing I could put things in the book that aren't about work or hum-drum crap. Things like...
*Take Gretel to the beach.
*Play/practice the guitar.
*Clean out the garage (yeah, I love cleaning out stuff :)
*Ride your bicycle.
*Download more music on the IPod.
*Go to the mall and stay for more than 10 minutes.
*Cook a REAL meal.
*Make dessert - like, from scratch.
*Win the lottery so I could buy unlimited airfare to go see my kids...and Audrey.
*Take Gretel to the beach (again).
*Brush Ella.
*Spend more time with Ron.
*Get a pedicure.
*Plant tomatoes.
*Sit outside and read a book.
*Go see my Mom and go shopping.
*Go fishing.
*Go with Ron and Ella to the beach and go fishing :)
*Buy a kayak.
*Take Gretel swimming in the boat channel.

I could keep wishing but now I gotta teach class.... hopefully I can check some of these things off SOON!

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