Sunday, April 07, 2013

Shortcut to Fun!

There is a HUGE empty field behind my house. Part of it is plowed and planted with corn or sorghum every year, the other part is left empty. Gretel LOVES to play ball back there - I can throw it as far as I want with the chucker and she runs at full speed and brings it back. She will do this as long as you let her -- to the point when she had heat stroke this week. It was scary. She was wheezing as we walked home, then, in front of the garage, her legs locked up, eyes glazed over and she started to whimper. I carried her in and got her water and fans and she cooled down and was fine in an hour. But, it was scary. Very scary.

So, my thought was - a shortcut to the field where there wasn't a long walk involved to get there and return and where I could get water when needed. My solution?? Ron came to the rescue -- and built a fence between my yard and the field. We went to the hardware store and got lumber and supplies. He came by the next morning and got to work. SO SO SO exciting!!!!!

Measuring...I reminded him to measure twice and cut once. He said he's heard this before :)

He brought his tools over - like saws and stuff. It was pretty impressive...

Installing the gate...

A certain brown and white dog was sooo inquisitive....
Finally, it was time to check it out...
THE Gate!
And the best part -- the view!!!!!
Perfect for playing ball and running around without a long hike from home. Great job Ron Scott!! I am so thankful - and Gretel too :)

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