Sunday, November 27, 2011

Skyline Ranch

My children's paternal Grandparents, Me-Mom and Pop-Pop McCollough lived in Medina on a ranch while my kiddos were growing up. Many, many weekends were spent roaming the acreage at Skyline Ranch. Sadly, they have passed away, but the Skyline, under new ownership, is still there. We decided to take a look - trespass, if you will. No one appeared to be around, so, we entered and drove around a bit.

It was sad to see how the worst drought in Texas' history has affected this and all landscapes in Texas. The mighty Medina river was barely flowing. The grand Bald Cypress tress that line it's banks have their roots showing, and are severely stressed. The mighty oak trees that adorn the Hill Country are in severe decline, or dead. I miss Me-Me and Pop-Pop, but am glad they did not have to witness what is appearing to be an irreversible death of much which they loved.
 The Medina River used to flow OVER this dam - my children used to swim in it. Now, it's nearly dry.

 One of the posts of the entrance to the Ranch  -- I remember when these were done, 30-something years ago.
 Some wild turkey  were in the area -

 The once stately Oak trees...

The roofline of their house - this was as close as I dared to go :)

There were some exotic animals being kept here. We also saw plenty of white tail and axis deer.

 More dying Oaks....
What is left of the lodge - many years ago it flooded. I'm not sure what is being done with the building....

And more dying/dead oaks. They were all over the Hill country.

 Some wild turkey in the area --- ya gotta look closely. There were about 4 hens and one Tom turkey. They were staying away...the next day was Thanksgiving :)

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