Monday, July 13, 2009


Yeah...that's me. Another lifetime ago.
I haven't been scuba diving in 8 spite of the fact that I spent countless hours and money to become a PADI certified scuba instructor. Yeah,open water diver, rescue diver, advanced open water diver, divemaster, assistant instructor, and then instructor. I loved it all. Chalk it up to life changes and moving to places without water or...just didn't fit in with agenda. Well, I booked a trip today. Going by myself. CAN'T WAIT.

Bring on the corals, turtles, octupus, fish, the sponges, the jellies, the marine mammals, sharks, rays, thousands of fish swimming in formation. The cuttle fish, mantas, soft and hard corals that are struggling to survive. I want to see the eels, ghost shrimp, flamingos tongues, puffer fish. I have missed the zen that you get when you breathe from a regulator and float with incomprehensible beauty and fight tears as you take in the surroundings. You know about forests on earth? There are forests in oceans that are sooo beautiful, and are, sadly, disappearing. I cannot express how excited I am to explore the oceans after a way too long hiatus.

Ohhhh man. I will need two tanks I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited!


  1. Big YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for you! I'm so glad you did this for yourself and can't wait to see that Cherie Mac glow post trip. It's got nothing on the Cherie Mac glow pre trip which is already pretty impressive. Where are you headed?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cancun, Mexico! All inclusive resort. On the BEACH. I gotta brush up on my do you say "Bring me another margarita please" in Spanish EP? :)

  4. Enjoy! Make sure you get lots of underwater picture so that we can live vicariously through you.
