Monday, July 06, 2009

Summer Bridge Program

For two weeks, we had "rising" (going-to-be) 9th grade students from smaller districts join my preservice teachers to learn some biology. It was a LOT of work, but totally worth it for all involved. Here are some pics of biology at it's best:
Crayfish - in Louisiana these are crawdads and people are quite fond of eating them!
Close-up of earthworm. Can you tell if it's male or female?? hee hee Group earthworm the looks on some of these faces. The (smelly) perch. More perch. Sheep's heart - just a bit smaller than a human heart. Not very fragile, they really don't break, but sometimes it sure feels like they do. Starfish - very cool critters.

When it was all over, reflections written by my students had them amazed at what they learned - not only about life science, but about high school students. It was an incredible experience!!

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