Monday, June 15, 2009

Midsummer Session I musings

We have completed about one half of the summer class I'm teaching. It's a major deal for all involved -- covering 6 months of curriculum in a 4 week period. My students are doing amazingly well and I am proud of them.

My teeth are almost finished - it has been a huge restoration project as you may remember I fell, mouth first on pavement, and did major damage to my four front teeth. I have a temporary crown thingie that replaces the four teeth and the permanent one should be in soon. Well, permanent four crowns. The root canals and grinding down of the remnants of my teeth was torture to say the least, and the root canals (X4) had to be done TWICE because of infection. Oh how I wished I could turn back the clock and not fall as I did...but the replacements sure are pretty and I am so lucky to have a very talented dentist. I noted one of my summer 'at risk' students (I hate that term and prefer to call them 'at promise')that is joining my class for the next two weeks (I have 25 of them) was missing her four front teeth. Gone. A big, blank spot marks her smile. I am very, very lucky.

So, I have some pictures from earlier summer escapades. Of course, they involve my favorite three year old....

Audrey at the Texas State Aquarium

Waiting for Disney On Ice to begin!


Audrey watching Disney on Ice - for the first 30 minutes, she never lowered her arm and was totally mesmerized.

That's all I have time for right now --- will be back soon. Tomorrow we are dissecting crayfish and earthworms with the high school at-promise students working alongside my future teachers. Then there are starfish, perch, sheep hearts and owl pellets to explore next week. Yeah, they pay me to do this. I love my job!!!

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