Thursday, February 26, 2009


I know it's not as noteworthy as economic news or the Oscars, but I noticed that Audrey no longer has a diaper bag/backpack accompanying her to pre-school every day. Nope. No more lugging all that paraphernalia around. A small Dora The Explorer tote bag with a snack and container of juice. Her little butt hardly keeps her jeans up without a diaper. She's a little girl with a mind of her own- not a baby anymore. Last night's conversation at Gatti-town:
Me: Audrey, are you my princess?
Audrey: No, I'm Audrey Spiderman!
Me:I think you are Audrey the Princess.
Audrey: No, you are Cherie 'Colla and I'm Audrey Spiderman!


  1. The lack of diaper bag has made her "mommy" very happy!! As for the spiderman phenomenon..stay tuned for halloween!

  2. There is nothing wrong with a small butt.

  3. Love keeping up with the family! Give Audrey a hug from Auntie B.
