Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Darwin Day!

200 years ago he was born, 150 years ago he wrote what is, and will continue to become, one of the most revolutionary publications in science. I shall not venture into the realm of 'the controversy of evolution' because my friend, this exists only in America where religion sometimes steps into places that are inappropriate - and against the Constitution. Yes, even our Pope (and the ones that preceded him), the Council of Lutherans, Presbyterians, name it, advise teaching evolution (and not creationism/intelligent design) in our classrooms. What I DID want to bring to your attention are some amazing websites where you can tour the Galapagos (my dream vacation), hear and see the wonder that is in science and appreciate what we have been given on this planet and beyond. Total awesomeness:
My colleague, Don Berkich's web page:
The infamous and hilarious Darwin Awards:
Articles for general public concerning evolution by Scientific American:
and last but not least, for you teachers, a great website with classroom activities, video clips -- lots of goodies!
Enjoy! Bake a cake! Kiss a land tortoise! Ya have to wonder what Charles Darwin would think about how far we have come in understanding science -- and how far we still have to go!


  1. I hope we can go to the Galapagos Islands some day. I know how much you want to go.
    And interesting to read about Mr. Darwin.

  2. Recent polls have only 35% of American's believing in Evolution. Perhaps too much right wing radio?
