This is a graph that, if you haven't seen it already, you will. The world famous Keeling curve. Look up and read sometime about the scientist and process that went into this meticulous data collection. I have seen it many times and hundreds of others over the last four days. Climate change, global warming, carbon sequestration, cap and trade, nuclear fission and fusion, renewables....on and on. So many talks by scientists from all over the world and educators from far and wide. Policy makers. Statisticians. Corporations. Private sector. All with the same message. And, the news -is -not - good.
This is a meeting that does not go into the politics but presents the science. The evidence. The facts. I have learned so much both about the history of climate change and the science as the data is presented by work that is done by top scientists and has been published in a rigorous peer-reviewed process that let's us know the results are credible, reliable, repeatable, and trustworthy.
There is so much I didn't know. Four days of meetings and presentations. A sore butt from sitting for so long. Yet there was one thing I never heard --- the answer. There is no silver bullet. Every idea that everyone has had with regard to alternate (non-carbon based) energy sources has a clear reason why that idea might be a stepping stone, but it is not going to solve the problem.
Much work needs to be done by everyone. And yes, it's urgent work.
I want to get home and get started doing my part - education. And helping the scientists make the very confusing data understandable to the general public. Its a huge task. When I feel overwhelmed, I think of Audrey and what will be left for her if things don't change - and change quickly.
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