Within 10 minutes of my arrival in DC after a 9 hour flight (there are NO direct flights from ANYWHERE in south Texas!) I called my friend I was meeting here. After a brief conversation with the concierge, we took off via feet for dinner:
Friend: Cherie, why are the street signs, umm, written that way?
Cherie: Umm, (squinting) that looks...like... like, Asian or something. (Then realizes must sound decisive.) Yes, that's Asian, but...umm, I don't know why. We're in America, right? (nervous laugh)
Friend: Yeah Asian. So, let's just keep walking (more nervous laughter)
Cherie: (squinting again) Is that a Pagoda? I mean, it looks like a freaking PAGODA!

I then realized, we were right next to China Town! Need I say more? We had a great dinner, and quickly figured out that much like Dorothy, we were NOT in Texas anymore!
P.S. Do they have VW vans in Chinatown? I'm looking....
Yum. Have you ever tried dim sum? Todd and I ate it every weekend in Seattle.