Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Night In DC

Within 10 minutes of my arrival in DC after a 9 hour flight (there are NO direct flights from ANYWHERE in south Texas!) I called my friend I was meeting here. After a brief conversation with the concierge, we took off via feet for dinner:

Friend: Cherie, why are the street signs, umm, written that way?

Cherie: Umm, (squinting) that like, Asian or something. (Then realizes must sound decisive.) Yes, that's Asian, but...umm, I don't know why. We're in America, right? (nervous laugh)

Friend: Yeah Asian. So, let's just keep walking (more nervous laughter)

Cherie: (squinting again) Is that a Pagoda? I mean, it looks like a freaking PAGODA!

I then realized, we were right next to China Town! Need I say more? We had a great dinner, and quickly figured out that much like Dorothy, we were NOT in Texas anymore!

P.S. Do they have VW vans in Chinatown? I'm looking....

1 comment:

  1. Yum. Have you ever tried dim sum? Todd and I ate it every weekend in Seattle.
