Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The First One

This is my first (solo) blog. I've been cajoled, overly requested, nudged, pushed, pleaded, etc. by many people to do this. So, here we are. I'd like to begin by announcing a video that features some of the work that I do with my awesome students. I teach life science (biology and associated life sciences) and "how to teach science" to teachers in training at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi. Take a look at this URL:

You'll find a video (in the little box) and some photos of my students doing science with kids at the Boys and Girls Club in Corpus Christi. The theme, "Super-Sized Science" is of my choosing for this year. My students have to come up with an activity that explains and demonstrates the science of nutrition. They do these with kids and their parents, so it is important to make the activity flexible for young and old alike. For many, it is my future teachers' first time to interact with children prior to their student teaching experience. For all, it is the first, and probably ONLY time they will interact with parents. A win-win situation for all involved - especially me, because I get to sit back and watch my students teach. What a thrill! Summer semester only leaves time for one Family Science event per session. In the regular semester, we do THREE different ones - it's awesome!! Perhaps some day I will post a video of my student's reflections of this -- then they will be even MORE famous!! I am very proud of them!


  1. Way to go, Sis. Never too old to learn to blog like the kids, huh? Looking forward to some great reads. Love you.
