Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Yep, it's happening at my place. Started out with a student who told me about juicing as she has been doing this for a while and just "feels great". "Yeah", I thought. "You're also like 20 years old. You should "feel great". Then she told me about a movie --- I watched it. The same day I went and bought a juicer - Breville, pic below except mine has a pitcher that catches the juice (not glass shown here). That was two weeks ago. Now, I have some for breakfast (alone), more at lunch (with sandwich or yogart or something with lotsa protein) and a regular dinner. It's awesome. No more mid-afternoon slump.More energy. I'm sleeping better. And, I did not have any of the so called side effects as I'm not doing a juice-diet - merely consuming more vitamins from natural sources.

So, I go to the organic part of the grocery store and get all I need - carrots, kale, apples, bananas, cucumbers, beets (my favorite), celery, fennel -- you get the idea -- once a week. About $25.00 covers breakfast and lunch FOR THE WEEK! I got the juicer at Macy's. And I make it before I leave for work in the morning, at least 2.5 cups - Split it between breakfast and lunch. YUM. I'm hooked.  IT IS AWESOME.

There's lotsa stuff on the internet about's not rocket science but make sure you get the organic veggies or you will consume things you don't want to know about. Farmer's Market is even better.

Happy Juicing!

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