Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cirque de Soliel DRALION! - and a trip across the border :)

I've never seen a Cirque de Soliel show -- and have always wanted to. Well, I finally did --- Ron and I went to Hildalgo, Texas to see our first show -- we ended up with front row seats and it was AWESOME. It's hard to explain these productions -- the talent, costumes, music, laughter, gasps in response to the athleticism of the performers -- so much going on and so much to watch and see. You can bet we will be going to more Cirque de Soliel productions. IT WAS INCREDIBLE!

2 story trampolines....

Following that (a tough act to follow!), I experienced another first as the next day, we crossed the U.S. border in Progreso Texas - Nuevo Mexico  and did the Mexican tourist-for-a-day thing. It was a blast - so much to see, bartering to do, and feeling blessed to be an American :)

We ate lunch at the Red Snapper --- the food was incredible, and the atmosphere so much fun. Mexican Mariachi/Country Songs and even some dancing on the floor. Definitely going back -

This is a fancy vegetable slicer...I bought one :)

We had so much fun - I love South Texas, and spring break, and eating fresh tortillas and washing windows, and getting carpets and tile and closets cleaned and new plants put in and walking on the beach and most of all - spending time laughing and smiling. Blessed beyond measure.

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