Over five thousand educational researchers gathered for several days of concurrent meetings and conference sessions in Denver, Colorado for AERA. My colleague, Dr. Olga Ramirez from University of Texas - Pan American and I presented a conference poster related to our work with family science (me) and family math (Olga) learning events. The information was well received! Many questions and I know this work will be replicated in other universities! And, we attended one REALLY great session that I think will have us take our work to the next level -- the creation of agents of change in our classrooms. Teachers that will be well prepared to teach math and science with culturally diverse and linguistically diverse classrooms. The weather was beautiful - but COLD for two girls who like balmy south Texas!
The outside of the Denver Conference Center - I love this bear looking in! Colorado is proud of their (once prolific) bear, bison and wolf populations.
The bear looking in...love the originality of this sculpture.
Since you can't have live Bison roaming downtown Denver, this is the next best thing.
While walking through downtown, we came across a protest group --- accompanied by police escorts, and very 'well behaved'. Olga and I agreed that this was an important part of living in America - having the right to protest. In this case, the participants were trying to raise interest for legalization of marijuana. I was reminded that 40 years ago to the day, a group of Ohio National Guard fired 67 live rounds into a group of protesting unarmed Kent State undergraduates. These guys had parade permits...times have changed for the better.
My colleague and friend Olga with a fake cow.
Same fake cow, and yes it was cold!
Downtown Denver was super impressive! Much to see and do, friendly people, and great food!
Olga discussing our research with an interested party. We got some awesome feedback!
I found this message written on my office door when I returned this morning. My students are the BEST and seem to know that great things are undoubtedly on the horizon for ALL of us!!
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