Monday, October 08, 2012

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Willie, Charlie, Winnie, Brandy, Abby, Rags, Barney, Mac, Buster, and Gracie. Gracie will be at the front of the neighbors in Austin called her The Mayor. She was the official greeter at my apartment community when I was learning to live on my own....she was the best friend I ever had.  The rest I loved very much as well...some from Childhood, some from Early Married, others from Life With Kids. Then we get older and adopt the dogs that didn't work out with roommates at college (Ella) or, when even older, ones that we pick out because we love the breed and some spaces in the heart need to be filled (read: Granddaughter and family move to California, or a relationship doesn't work out). Or maybe because there is a bit of a lull in our lives and we need a new project (read: get a puppy) - Gretel. I love all of them. So much, like a person. And, I figure if they aren't there, I'm in the wrong place.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Ideas and opportunities.

I know there's a plan, and I guess sometimes I'm not very good at seeing it. So, I try to stay out the of way. Like when a grant opportunity came across my desk. Kinda interesting, private funder (not a big conglomerate like NSF or NIH - read: may be easier to get this one) and having to do with wildlife conservation. I don't know how many times students tell me they want to get an eastern screech owl study here like I had in the past. So, what the heck...I put a proposal together. It's a pretty cool proposal if I do say so myself. There will be enough money to build 20 boxes like the ones before, pay for a plant expert to help me identify all the goodies at all the nest sites, some instruments for measuring stuff and money to transport students so they can participate when appropriate in data collection. It's the latter part that excites me - getting my future teachers in the field so they can see how it's REALLY done. Not like the movies. Hopefully it will get funded. I'd like that. A lot. For some reason, this idea just won't go away.

Remember the Alaska opportunity? It's back. Yup, the scientist person is again interested in me helping with the Inuits and having some American students go to school in Alaska so they can experience the culture and see the wildlife, including the whales he researches. We kind of hatched a plan a year or so ago, and then I didn't hear anything. But, he reappeared and so did the possibility of working there. Yes, I'd like that.  A lot. Another opportunity that won't go away.

And there is an NSF grant that is ending as we finish up our 6th year, so am writing another. It involves recruiting and mentoring and retaining (the 'r' word I seldom hear) really good math and science teachers. We're wonderful at talking them into going into teaching, but half leave within 3 years of working in the schools. All that time and energy and training...out the door. I've been advocating retention and mentoring programs for years, and now it looks like I have a shot at getting some money to put a real program in place. I'd like that. A lot. A great opportunity that will not be allowed to get away.

In the meantime there's a dog that needs more training, fish that need catching, some time scuba diving in blue water coming up and a job that can be quite demanding. Did I mention Gretel? She is very busy right now barking at herself in the mirror. Seriously. Ya gotta love the puppy in the dog. I like that.