I spent a lot of time walking along the beaches this holiday weekend. I love it -- watching the children, people, dogs, pelicans flying in different formations and beachcombing along the way. While walking this weekend, a friend noticed something wiggling on the sand - as we approached, we realized it was a seahorse that had washed ashore in the rough surf. Obviously uncomfortable in the sand, I carefully picked it up and took a closer look. Then...it wrapped it's tail around my finger. As if to say, "Finally, something I can hold onto for safety, security, and survival." The seahorse relaxed and kept it's tail wrapped around my finger. I wandered into the water as far as I could where I released it. It didn't swim away -- it just kind of floated toward the bottom....this concerned me.
After I got home I did some research. Seahorses swim very poorly by using a dorsal fin, which they rapidly flutter and pectoral fins, located behind their eyes, which they use to steer. Seahorses have no caudal fin. Since they are poor swimmers, they are most likely to be found resting, with their tails wound around a stationary object. That's why it didn't "swim" away. I felt a bit better concerning it's welfare...such an unusual and elegant creature.
I found this picture on the internet - this is not me (I didn't have my camera at the time) but is very accurate in scale and position:
I'll never forget the way it wrapped it's tail around my finger. A reminder that all living things are looking for safety and security. I hope I provided a bit for the seahorse. So many wonderful blessings have come into my life. One doesn't have to look very far to know Who is in charge -- I am thankful, grateful, and humbled by the goodness that is given. And I'll never forget that seahorse.
11 years ago