Nature Publishing Group is a big gun. These guys publish Nature, a professional journal for science. You get in Nature, you're gonna be famous. The group also has other publications, including Nature Education, an online journal for college science students and faculty. My colleague Kevin Strychar, a coral reef ecologist, and I had an interesting conversation over a year ago concerning genetically modified foods and what his students thought about them -- a side note from his lecture one day. This little conversation turned into a research project to find out just what they did think about this topic. A survey was designed, permission to conduct research on our students obtained,classroom plans made, data collected and later, analyzed. "Great stuff!", we thought. "Let's submit to this Nature Education publication and see what happens". They accepted the article with our revisions!! Yay! Celebrations! Then, a week later, they UN-accepted it! NO FAIR we cried! So we wrote the top dogs and told them the error of the editor's ways. They saw this error, promptly corrected and it and here is the publication.
IT'S IN! WE ARE SUPER EXCITED!!!!! More info from this study coming as we continue analysis....stay tuned!
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